Gather ’round, guys and gills! (See what I did there?) We have a brand new episode featuring shark researcher Melissa Cristina Marquez. Melissa is the founder of The Fins United Initiative, which is a shark, skate, ray and chimaera education and conservation program aiming to unite fin lovers worldwide. She’s also given a TedX talk […]
Episode 43: Sink(hole) or Swim

Hi folks! Get ready for a fun new episode with Dr. Tracy Fanara (@inspectorplanet). Tracy has a Ph.D in Environmental Civil Engineering from the University of Florida and is an expert on hydrology, civil design and sustainable development. She manages the environmental health program at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, FL. So if you’ve ever […]
Episode 41: Let There Be (UV) Light

Happy Tuesday, dearest listeners! We’ve got a brand new space-centric episode with Dr. Tracy Becker, a postdoctoral fellow at the Southwest Research Institute working in space science. Join us for a chat about UV light, the Cassini spacecraft, and the wonders of Europa. We should add, we talked to Tracy before Cassini said its final farewell. […]
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Episode 40: Between a Rock and a Hard (Water) Place

G’day mates! Today’s guest is Dr. Megan Sebben. She’s a project officer at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Australian federal government agency for scientific research. But that’s a new gig for her. When we chatted with Megan, she was working as a hydrogeologist and groundwater modeller in Melbourne at the environmental […]
Episode 31: Moon River (and Water)

Did you know that we’re looking for water on the moon? This week’s episode features Kathy Mandt, a senior research scientist at Southwest Research Institute and an adjoint professor at University of Texas – San Antonio. We talk about frost on the moon, planetary science and measuring photons with ultraviolet light. And the ever-present fight between […]
- Environment
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Picture of the Day – Growing Deltas in Atchafalaya Bay
Nature produces some pretty impressive things all on its own. This image of deltas in Atchafalaya Bay is stunning in its colors and what it symbolizes. Here’s the backstory on this vibrant wetland from NASA/Earth Observatory: The delta plain of the Mississippi River is disappearing. The lobe-shaped arc of coastal land from the Chandeleur Islands in […]