Herpes: The virus we may not want to hate so much

For decades we have known that microbes cause many diseases known to plague us as humans (did you see what I did there?). It’s easy to identify the microbes that cause disease but it’s harder to identify the microbes that do not harm us or more interestingly the ones that actually benefit our survival. Now some resourceful folks […]

The CRISPR gene revolution, all the cool kids are doing it

CRISPR: It’s all the rage. It’s time to pack up your pog collection and Lisa Frank organizational system. If you want to be cool right now and you happen to be molecular biologist, you should probably be ‘CRISPRing’ something. What is CRISPR? Isn’t that the drawer in my refrigerator where vegetables go to die? Is it even a […]

The ongoing fight against #Ebola

What we’ve learned from the most recent Ebola outbreak The most recent reports from the CDC estimate over 10,000 deaths as a result of the current Ebola outbreak. That number of deaths is more than 6 times the deaths from all previous ebolavirus outbreaks combined since its discovery in 1976. At a recent Harvard Medical School seminar a doctor from Sierra Leone shared […]

Episode 5: The (Nano) Arms Race

Herpes! Got your attention? Good. Welcome to Episode 5: The (Nano) Arms Race. Nicole Broekema, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School, joins us to talk about her work on viruses. We’ve got jokes, Ender’s Game references, and philosophy all mingled in with some kick ass science. Click play. You won’t regret it.