Guess what? We’ve got another great episode to share with you all, our loyal listeners. Today’s guest is Dr. Joy Wolfram, who heads the Nanomedicine and Extracellular Vesicles Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Her work uses nanotechnoloy and nanomedicine to develop new strategies for the treatment of disease. Join us as we […]
Episode 49: The Power of 3(M)

Dearest loyal listeners, we’re back with a brand new episode! We’re excited for a new batch of episodes and fantastic STEM ladies, including today’s guest, Dr. Jayshree Seth, Corporate Scientist and Chief Science Advocate at 3M. Dr. Seth has a Ph.D in chemical engineering and spends her time at 3M promoting science. Join us as […]
Episode 47: Designer (Add)genes

After a much-too-long break we are finally back with another episode. Thanks for being patient! This episode is a fun one. We talk to Dr. Joanne Kamens, the executive director of Addgene. Addgene is a non-profit repository that was created to help scientists share plasmids. When scientists publish research papers, they deposit their associated plasmids at Addgene. Then, […]
Episode 43: Sink(hole) or Swim

Hi folks! Get ready for a fun new episode with Dr. Tracy Fanara (@inspectorplanet). Tracy has a Ph.D in Environmental Civil Engineering from the University of Florida and is an expert on hydrology, civil design and sustainable development. She manages the environmental health program at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, FL. So if you’ve ever […]
Episode 42: The (Post)doc Is In

Happy New Year, loyal listeners! Farewell 2017, and good riddance. We’re starting off 2018 with Adriana Bankston an PhD who works on science policy. She is a member of the Board of Directors at Future of Research, an organization interested in improving the structure of academic science. Adriana has a PhD in biology from Emory and […]
Turn Around, Bright Eyes: How to View August’s Solar Eclipse

How do you organize an eclipse party? You plan-et! ::crickets:: This Monday, August 21, a solar eclipse is will be visible to all of North America. This means the moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun. Don’t panic. It’s totally to be expected and not at all a sign of the end times. […]
Episode 35: The Outer (Space) Limits

Get ready for another out of this world episode! Dr. Adrienn Luspay-Kuti is a research scientist at the Southwest Research Institute. She joins us for a discussion about Saturn’s moons, simulation chambers, and the outer planets. Don’t forget the part where she built a simulator of the atmosphere of Titan in her lab. P.S. If […]
- paleontology
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Episode 32: Bureau of Land (Before Time) Management

Once, upon this same earth, beneath this same sun, long before you, before the ape and the elephant as well, before the wolf, the bison, the whale, before the mammoth and the mastodon… was the time of the dinosaurs. – The Land Before Time, aka best movie ever. We’re back for another round of science-y […]
Episode 31: Moon River (and Water)

Did you know that we’re looking for water on the moon? This week’s episode features Kathy Mandt, a senior research scientist at Southwest Research Institute and an adjoint professor at University of Texas – San Antonio. We talk about frost on the moon, planetary science and measuring photons with ultraviolet light. And the ever-present fight between […]
Episode 30: (Health) Law and Order

Order in the court! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) We’ve got a special episode today for all you STEM/legal nerds. Our guest is Rachel Sachs, an Associate Professor at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. Rachel works at the intersection of patent law and health law. Listen as we discuss EpiPens, genetic testing, and […]