It’s Tuesday, and we’re back with a brand new episode! Our guest is Kassia Devorsey, a data and analytics consultant. Kass has previously worked for the Democratic National Committee as well as President Obama’s re-election campaign. Listen to us chat about modeling, big data in politics, and scary MIT robots.
Divine Secrets of the (Science) Sisterhood: Women STEM pioneers
Today’s Google Doodle honors Emmy Noether, a mathematician who made groundbreaking contributions to the fields of abstract algebra and theoretical physics. Lindsay and I started this blog/podcast because we wanted to showcase the work of women in STEM (whatever fields that definition may or may not encompass). As we’re interviewing our wonderful and brilliant guests, […]
What does STEM really mean, anyway?
What does STEM really mean, anyway? Mumu and I keep trying to answer this question as we talk to more women and record more episodes. Directly translated, STEM is just an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, but it has so much weight in social conversations now and those four words leave out so […]
Picture of the Day (POTD) – Math doodles
“So what is it that you do?” I get asked this question all the time… even from grad school friends who have known me for years. Take a look at the doodles currently on my walls. Who said math can’t be colorful AND fun? Nerd alert: For those of you are curious, the symbols in […]