Get ready for another out of this world episode! Dr. Adrienn Luspay-Kuti is a research scientist at the Southwest Research Institute. She joins us for a discussion about Saturn’s moons, simulation chambers, and the outer planets. Don’t forget the part where she built a simulator of the atmosphere of Titan in her lab. P.S. If […]
Episode 34: If I Could Talk to the (Zoo) Animals

It’s sweltering here on the east coast, and we could really gopher a lemonade. Get it? Gopher? … Animal lovers, this episode’s for you. Today’s guest is Dr. Jennifer Hausmann. Jen is an Associate Veterinarian at the Denver Zoo, and has so many fluffy, adorable stories to share. Join us for a chat about working […]
Episode 33: Under the (Sexy) Sea

Birds do it, bees do it, and fish…. Fish definitely do it. Today’s episode features marine biologist Dr. Marah Hardt (@Marahh2o). Marah is the research director at Future of Fish, a nonprofit incubator working to create business solutions to ocean challenges. She is also the author of Sex in the Sea, an awesome book about the […]
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Episode 32: Bureau of Land (Before Time) Management

Once, upon this same earth, beneath this same sun, long before you, before the ape and the elephant as well, before the wolf, the bison, the whale, before the mammoth and the mastodon… was the time of the dinosaurs. – The Land Before Time, aka best movie ever. We’re back for another round of science-y […]
Episode 31: Moon River (and Water)

Did you know that we’re looking for water on the moon? This week’s episode features Kathy Mandt, a senior research scientist at Southwest Research Institute and an adjoint professor at University of Texas – San Antonio. We talk about frost on the moon, planetary science and measuring photons with ultraviolet light. And the ever-present fight between […]
Episode 30: (Health) Law and Order

Order in the court! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.) We’ve got a special episode today for all you STEM/legal nerds. Our guest is Rachel Sachs, an Associate Professor at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. Rachel works at the intersection of patent law and health law. Listen as we discuss EpiPens, genetic testing, and […]
Episode 29: Captain (Exo)Planet

Space lovers, we have a fun new episode for you today! If you’ve been following NASA’s recent announcement about seven earth-sized planets around a single star, you might recognize the name Sara Seager. Dr. Seager is a professor of astronomy at MIT and expert in exoplanets. We recorded this podcast two days before the discovery made headlines, […]
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Women in STEM representation on late night television (or lack thereof)

If I gave you 30 seconds to name five famous (living) scientists, who would be on the list? Most likely, there’d be Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Who else? Stephen Hawking? Brian Greene? This isn’t a new problem. We started this podcast because of the lack of female STEM representation in the media. However, data nerd […]
Episode 28: When You Yeast Expect It

If you’re prone to giggling about the human body, prepare yourself. Today’s guest is Dr. Amy Karlsson, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Maryland. (Go Terps!) Learn about her work in protein engineering as we delve into the world of e. coli and yeast. Oh, and be sure to stick […]
Hello, World: How I plan to be a better STEM communicator

Columnist and Ph.D. student Sara Whitlock over at STAT recently wrote an article urging scientists to become better communicators. Go here and give it a read. It’s worth your time. One of her key points is that the majority of Americans don’t know any scientists. When researchers don’t explain how we do our jobs and what […]