Hi folks! Ever thought about genetic testing? Curious about your family tree? Well, look no further. In our latest episode we chat with Dr. Jamaica Perry, Senior Product Scientist and Manager of the Clinical Health Team at 23andMe. Join us as we talk about those genetic reports you get, the future of genetics for the […]
Episode 51: (Nano) Material Girl

Guess what? We’ve got another great episode to share with you all, our loyal listeners. Today’s guest is Dr. Joy Wolfram, who heads the Nanomedicine and Extracellular Vesicles Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Her work uses nanotechnoloy and nanomedicine to develop new strategies for the treatment of disease. Join us as we […]
Episode 50: Stand Up To Cancer (NCI Edition)

Loyal listeners, we’ve reached 50 episodes! It’s been a long and fun journey over these last few years, and we’re not done yet. We’ve got a ton of interviews coming up with some amazing women, and we’re kicking off our 50th interview with Dr. Christie Canaria, the National Cancer Institute’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) […]
Episode 49: The Power of 3(M)

Dearest loyal listeners, we’re back with a brand new episode! We’re excited for a new batch of episodes and fantastic STEM ladies, including today’s guest, Dr. Jayshree Seth, Corporate Scientist and Chief Science Advocate at 3M. Dr. Seth has a Ph.D in chemical engineering and spends her time at 3M promoting science. Join us as […]
Episode 48: Something to Talk (Science) About

We’re back!!! We’ve had a crazy summer of travel, work, moving and all sort of other life events but we’ve finally gotten back into the groove of things. And that means new episodes! This week we’ve got a conversation with science writer Abby Olena. She talks about her Ph.D. in Developmental Biology, zebrafish and how, […]
Episode 47: Designer (Add)genes

After a much-too-long break we are finally back with another episode. Thanks for being patient! This episode is a fun one. We talk to Dr. Joanne Kamens, the executive director of Addgene. Addgene is a non-profit repository that was created to help scientists share plasmids. When scientists publish research papers, they deposit their associated plasmids at Addgene. Then, […]
Episode 46: (Broad) Band of Sisters

Today’s guest is a bit of a Jack (Jill?) of all trades. Claire L. Evans is a writer, musician, and life-long tech nerd. She’s the author of Broad Band, a book that talks about the women visionaries and technology experts who helped shape the internet. Join for a fascinating discussion on women, history, and computers. […]
All you need to know about drone racing

In our conversation with Sally French, aka The Drone Girl, we went a bit off track and discussed the future of drone racing. We it’s a thing, and it has real pilots and real TV broadcast rights. Check out this Dronucopia post that will tell you everything you need to know about racing drones.
Episode 45: Insta-cart(ilage)

It’s Pi Day! And what better way to celebrate than with a brand new episode. Today’s guest is Dr. Wendy Brown (@TheWendyRed), a Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Irvine studying tissue engineering. She got her Ph.D at UC Davis and, while working on her degree, Wendy was also a professional NFL cheerleader for the Atlanta Falcons […]
Episode 44: Swimming with Sharks (and Rays, Skates, and Chimaeras)

Gather ’round, guys and gills! (See what I did there?) We have a brand new episode featuring shark researcher Melissa Cristina Marquez. Melissa is the founder of The Fins United Initiative, which is a shark, skate, ray and chimaera education and conservation program aiming to unite fin lovers worldwide. She’s also given a TedX talk […]